

"Bright Path"

明倫高校ALTの短いエッセイをお届けする、新コーナーです。タイトルは"bright path"。
Enjoy finding what amuses them in Japan!


    Last week, I went to the Noh museum in Kanazawa.

I enjoyed learning about the music of Noh and the Noh stage.This was my first-time seeing Noh masks and costumes in real life.
The masks were skillfully made.  My favorite mask was the “tanuki” mask. He looked very tricky.

 Outside of the museum, there was a beautiful pine tree. It accented the traditional and poetic feeling of the afternoon. Have you seen a Noh performance?  What are your favorite museums in Kanazawa?


この後このシリーズの記事は、上段のMenu「学校紹介」の中に、「Bright Path」として連載いたします。乞うご期待!