Our seventh grade students wrote about our school in English.
You can learn about our school.  Please read them!

School Lunch
We have the school lunch from 12:35 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the classrooms.  Students and teachers have school lunch together.  It's delicious. 

Class Schedule
We have six or five classes each day from Monday to Friday.  Our classes are 50 minutes long.  We take classes in our classrooms, musci room, science room and so on.  The break between each classes are 10 minutes, and lunch break is 45 minutes long.
Field Trip
We have the field trip in May in Kenko no Mori.  Students walk, play games, eat lunch and so on.  We walk a lot, so we get tired.  But it's fun.  We enjoy it very much.
School Festival
We have the school festival in November in the city hall.  Students have chorus contests and perform plays.  It's interesting and fun. We enjoy it very much.
Cleaning Time
We have the cleaning time every day after school. Students and teachers  clean the floors, black boards, toilets, and so on.  We clean quietly.  It's very hard but we enjoy it.