
NSH Meeting for Presentations

On January 31st, NSH Meeting for Reading Research Papers was held at Sakura-gaoka High School.  Three teams from our school participated and presented what they have worked on for the past year.

Many of the students that participated have done research on various topics and the students, including ours, exchanged a lot of information through this event.

Meeting of Three High Schools for Presentations

On January 27th, Meeting for Reading Research Papers was held between three high schools (Kanazawa Univerisity High School, Kanazawa Nisui High School, and Kanazawa Izumi-gaoka High School).  Two teams from the SG course participated and presented what they have worked on for the past year.

SGH・SSH Presentation Day

On January 26th, SGH and SSH students held an event to present their research project.  About 100 students’ parents and educators from in and out of Ishikawa Prefecture took part in this event.

*SG Basic Analytical Skills: a school-designated subject for first-year students in general course
Students looked into the goals of institutions like the UN and relevant institutions, and considered current issues related to them.  They also proposed the possibility that technology would contribute to their fields when delivering their poster presentations.  This was their first time presenting their research, but they were very positive in the question-and-answer sessions.

*Practical English: a school-designated subject for second-year students in SG course
Students talked about how to make Izumi-gaoka High School better, explained and wrote logically their ideas and opinions about them in English.

*SGH×SSH Oral Presentation by second-year students in SG course and Super Science course
Representative teams had oral presentations about their research as a collaboration project between SG and SS course students.  They exchanged their opinions and had question-and-answer sessions.  So far, they had mutual presentations and exchanged information while they engaged each other.  This time again they actively exchanged their opinions about their research fields.

*SG Poster Presentation about their research by second-year students in SG course
Second-year SG course students delivered poster presentations about their research from the beginning of the school year.  Three graduate students from Kyoto University gave valuable comments and advice.  The students will have a presentation in English in July.

*Research Conference for teachers who visited the conference
We told teachers about SGH activities, our results and our problems.  We are going to make the most of the questions and advice from teachers in order to make SGH activities better for now on.