
SR Summit Focus in Shiga Prefecture

Four students in the SG course participated in SR Summit Focus hosted by Ritsumeikan Uji High School. Eighteen schools from all over Japan gathered in Ritsumeikan University in Kusatsu, Shiga, and joined in the three-day workshop that started on July 30th.  In the workshop, the participants learned new problem-solving skills such as how to brainstorm and map ideas, and they actually tried out the new methods to work out solutions with the help of the mentors.
(Voices from the Participants)
・Before the program started, I was worried about whether I could make it for the three days, because I did not know who would be in the project team. Now the program is over, and I found that I was able to enjoy the program two or three times more than I had expected.  One reason for this is that I was able to meet people who had the same ambition. I was inspired by how actively they worked, so I decided to try without worrying about mistakes. I also thought that the well-organized slides and presentations were breathtaking. I asked them about their secrets of such wonderful performances. They said gaining a lot of experience was important. I decided I should be more active and participate in this kind of event more often.
・It was an exciting three-day program.  We talked about one topic for more than twelve hours during the two days of the seminar, which was my first time to think for such a long time. I cannot deny that I was tired, but I was never sick of it, nor did anybody suggest giving up.  I think it was not because they had concern for others but because they were passionate and hardworking. Although we were not in the same group because we had anything in common, we became really good friends in a short time. It seems to me how long we stay together doesn’t matter if we have one goal in common.