Bright Path(ALTのエッセイ)

Wajima Cat

投稿日時: 2019/11/29 m1

     Last weekend, I visited Wajima, and explored the area. The pace of life, and the beautiful architecture was very calming. In the town, I saw a lot of cats. They seemed young, and a little scared of people, but also strangely at home on the streets.I took this picture, after losing many potentially great photos because the cat ran away at the last second. But this little cat was simply relaxing, lazing around on his backside (just like me!) and peering curiously at what I was doing.

     Around Japan and Ishikawa, but especially in Wajima, humans and nature seem so live in an intertwined manner. Much more so than in England, and most of the parts of Europe I have visited. When I was 17, I heard Japanese words for the first time, in the song Linda Linda by The Blue Hearts. The image of the rat in the first verse was very powerful. I’m often reminded of it in the whimsical way nature interacts with human life in this country.