Bright Path(ALTのエッセイ)

Coffee and the Kissaten

投稿日時: 2020/01/20 m1

In the United States, especially Austin –where I’m from, we have a very prominent “coffee culture”. I don’t know how many coffee shops we have in my city, but it is easily in the hundreds. A coffee drinker has seemingly unlimited choices in coffee types and atmosphere. Some of my favorite coffee shops include a coffee shop that serves excellent black coffee out of a food cart, a 24-hour coffee shop with warm lighting, art, and very comfy couches, and a coffee shop with excellent matcha lattes and wooden swings to play on.  


Prior to coming to Japan, I heard that Japanese coffee culture was rather new (if over 170 years is new), but very strong. I have visited many different coffee shops since coming here and I’ve enjoyed them, but I also discovered I really enjoy kissaten! I think kissaten show a lot of the owner’s personality in décor and menu. The coffee is usually rather high quality and the small meals that some serve can be very simple, but delicious. While there are American coffee shops that have a similar atmosphere to some kissaten, there is something undeniably Japanese in their feel. In every town I visit, I like to try at least one kissaten! All of these pictures are of kissaten coffee.

Do you prefer modern coffee shops or kissaten?
