
【教職員リレーブログ】Artistic Adventures



私の質問は 「アートを創作するのは好きですか?」です。

Ceramics is a difficult art that requires both passion and patience. I started making ceramic art in college.

There are two main approaches to making ceramic art: hand-building and “throwing on the wheel”. I started with hand-building, which is slow, but rewarding. “Throwing on the wheel” is very hard, and takes a lot of practice, even to make something small. I spent weeks just learning how to “center” the clay on the pottery wheel. This is the first step in “throwing on the wheel,” and it is very important to do it correctly. The process of learning is very frustrating, but when you complete a piece correctly, it is life-changing.

I practiced for two years, and I made many mistakes. There are many things that can go wrong when you are making ceramic art. Sometimes, moisture or air is trapped in the clay, which can make the clay explode! I spent a lot of time on pieces that eventually broke. This was very sad and discouraging, and sometimes made me want to quit. Even so, I continued making ceramic art. I cannot make ceramic art now, because I have no studio to use in Japan. I will start making art again someday in the future.

For now, please look at the pictures of my ceramics. These are cups with small gargoyle faces on them. Thank you for reading, and please try to make ceramic art if you have the chance!