
Cooking Challenge!! ~Let's cook scones~


錦丘高校のALT、Lewis先生の故郷イギリスには"Cream Tea"があります。Cream Teaって何でしょう?


ぜひ、この機会に本場の味を楽しんでください。You can TRY!! 


Cream Tea 

“A cream tea is one of my favorite things in England. A British cream tea is made of scones, jam and clotted cream (thick cream) and is often served with English tea. Scones are delicious as a dessert or just as a snack. If you don't have cream, you can try them with butter and jam. Scones are best enjoyed warm.

If you want to try something new and British at home, try baking these. Here is the recipe my grandmother uses to make British scones.

I hope to see some of your pictures!” (From Lewis)


おばあちゃんのスペシャルレシピはこちら⇒ Special Fruit Scones Recipe.docx