

 11月17日より、新型コロナウイルスの影響で来日が遅れていた、スリランカからの留学生 Shelomi Parami (シェローミ パーラミ)さんが23Hの仲間に加わりました!


 First of all, I feel really happy to come to Japan and study at Komatsu Municipal High School as an exchange student. My name is Shelomi Parami. I came from Sri Lanka, which is a very beautiful island in Indian Ocean. As you all know, Sri Lanka is very famous for “Ceylon Tea”.

About myself, I’m an exchange student from “Asia Kakehashi Scholarship Program”. Currently, I’m living in Komatsu City with my host family. I’m 18 years old and my favorite Japanese cuisine is “Yakitori” and “Tempra”. I will live in Japan about five months. In these few months, I would like to get every new experiences for my life. Especially I am interested in learning Japanese culture. My hobby is playing guitar and piano.

My dream is to be an ambassador. I would like to represent Sri Lankan culture all over the world. I will do my studies best for achieving every my  dreams and goals in my life and also I will enjoy my exchange period in Japan best.




 私の名前はシェローミ パーラミです。スリランカから来ました。スリランカはインド洋に浮かぶとても美しい島国で、皆さんもご存じのとおり、セイロンティーで有名な国です。

